AcTec Post - Spring 2022 Newsletter

Happy New Year and welcome back to the Spring 2022 semester! We hope you had a great winter break and are coming back ready to take on a new year. We have lots of great information in this newsletter that we hope will help you prepare for the spring semester. Enjoy!

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Here are some Canvas updates and new features that have been recently released or are coming soon.


โ—ผ New Quizzes - Instructure has extended the timeline for the implementation of the "New Quiz" engine until Summer 2024. Based on that, we will begin migrating our "Classic Quizzes" to "New Quizzes" in 2023. This is great news because it gives us more time to get comfortable with the new tool. "New Quizzes" is enabled in Canvas and we recommend that you use this option when creating any new quizzes from here on out. This way you don't have to worry about migrating them when the time comes. The creation of "New Quizzes" will be covered in the Advanced Canvas: Creating Quizzes with the New Quiz Tool workshop if you want to learn more (see workshop schedule). Below are some resources for those who would still like to get a head start getting familiarized with the new tool.
New Quizzes Overview | New Quizzes How-to GuidesFAQs | Comparison: New vs. Old | Migrate a Canvas Quiz to New Quizzes


โ—ผ Accessibility Checker Notifications Indicator in the Rich Content Editor (RCE) Toolbar - When the content is edited in Canvas, the indicator on the accessibility checker icon will show any accessibility issues found.

โ—ผ Change Submission Status for Assignments in Speedgrader -

The status for a student submission can now be changed from within SpeedGrader. Change the status to late, missing, excused, or none.

Video Overview


Canvas updates are sent via myCETL announcements (in Canvas) throughout the semester.  Be sure to keep your Canvas notifications enabled for announcements to stay informed! Hereโ€™s how to set your notification preferences.


During the past few years we have been remediating accessibility issues in Canvas content. UDOIT has been assisting instructors to find and fix many of these issues.


After the spring 2022 term, UDOIT will be removed from Canvas. Instructors will be able to use UDOIT until that time to fix accessibility issues found in course content. After spring 2022, instructors will be able to use Ally and the Canvas Accessibility Checker to check existing content for accessibility issues.


All existing content should still be made accessible, but the focus is on creating Canvas content (Canvas Accessibility Guidelines) and files with accessibility in mind from the start. This will ensure access to all learners. This will reduce the time fixing any remaining issues found by Ally and the Canvas Accessibility Checker as well as other accessibility checker tools (Microsoft, Adobe etc.).


SoftChalk Cloud enables instructors to create engaging, accessible lesson content. The new math and chemistry editor automatically provides alternative text to create accessible equations and formulas.


Additional resources to create accessible content can be found in the myCETL course in Canvas as well as the Academic Technology website and Online Accessibility at EFSC website. Monitor the Titan Today newsletter for training opportunities.

We have several new turn-key master courses that are ready for use. Email to have the content copied to your course shell: 
  • ACG 2021 
  • ENC 1101 
  • SLS 1101 
  • REL 2300 
  • PSY 2012 
  • LIT 1000 
Visit the Master Courses List for a full list of available master courses.

Here are a few helpful tips that you can pass on to your students!

Use these helpful checklists to make sure you're ready for the new semester!
Calendar icon
For more information and to register for the workshops below visit our Training Calendar page.
Canvas/Course Content Webinars
โ—ผ Canvas Instructor Training (CIT) - Ongoing (Online)
โ—ผ EFO Orientation - 2/1
โ—ผ Advanced Canvas: Home Page - 2/8
โ—ผ Advanced Canvas: Managing Grades - 1/18, 2/16, 3/3
โ—ผ ๐Ÿ†• Advanced Canvas: Creating Quizzes with the New Quiz Tool - 1/26, 3/7, 4/5
Accessibility Webinars
โ—ผ Creating Accessible Content in Canvas - 1/25, 3/23, 4/7
โ—ผ ๐Ÿ†• Inclusive Files in Microsoft Word - 2/1, 4/13
โ—ผ ๐Ÿ†• Inclusive Files in PowerPoint - 2/16, 4/19
Course Design Webinars
โ—ผ ๐Ÿ†• Online Course Design & Delivery - 1/18, 2/14, 3/21, 4/18, 5/16, 6/13, 7/18
Learn a New Tool
โ—ผ Presenting in Microsoft Teams - 1/20, 2/9, 3/29
โ—ผ Kaltura Lecture Capture Basics - 1/31, 3/31
โ—ผ ๐Ÿ†• Kaltura Lecture Capture Advanced - 2/22, 4/6
โ—ผ OneDrive: Online File Storage - 1/27, 4/11
โ—ผ SoftChalk Cloud Lesson Builder - 2/24, 3/29
cleaning supplies
Since many of us roll our courses over each semester, itโ€™s good to comb over our content periodically to make sure everything is still relevant and functional. Watch this video by our Instructional Designer, Cherylan Bacheller for tips and tricks on โ€œSpring Cleaning Your Canvas Courses.โ€

Academic Technology @ Eastern Florida State College

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